Managing Parental or Family Illness and Injuries

When a parent or close family member is dealing with a significant illness or injury or is on the road to recovery, it can be very disruptive for their child. But there are ways to comfort and reassure children, offer clear and honest explanations, and stay connected to their loved one.

Our informative workshop offers strategies and tips for parents and caregivers to support the mental well-being and foster resiliency of their children and youth. This informational session which can be done in person or virtually will cover:

  • How to tell your child about your diagnosis and treatment

  • Your child’s perspective: how children understand the illness

  • How to navigate your child’s questions

  • Common fears and how to conquer them

  • Coping together and acknowledging your challenges

  • To visit or not to visit? Preparing your child to visit their loved one in the hospital

  • Includes comprehensive local resources and suggested reading list


Workshops for Parents

Preparing for Hospitalization and Medical Procedures

Going to the hospital or preparing for a medical procedure can be stressful for your child and the entire family. Knowing what to expect will help everyone be better prepared.

This workshop includes in-person or virtual sessions designed to educate your child, through interactive and hands on play, to reduce their anxiety, and teach practical coping skills. We aim to ensure your child has a positive experience by using toys, games and activites as a tool for socialization, preparation, expression of feelings, normalization, and learning.

We can cater each session to your child's specific procedure (i.e., dental appointment, vaccine/needle, MRI, CT scan, surgery, bloodwork). Your child will leave with an individualized coping plan and a tip sheet for parents.

Workshops for Children

Returning to School

While a return to school after an extended leave due to illness or injury will be welcomed by many children, others may feel anxious or frightened and all mixed up.

The goal of this session is to provide tools to the family and school personnel to support the returning child and ease the transition. As part of this workshop, our certified child life specialist will conduct an in person or virtual visit to your child’s classroom with you and your child to prepare them for the return to school.

Some children want to participate and be involved in the visit, while others prefer not to be in the room. We’ll work with you and your child to design a visit that meets their specific needs and preferences.

The session will also include:

  • Explanation of the child’s illness using age-appropriate information and child-friendly language

  • Play-based and hands-on activities and games

  • Suggestions for how classmates can help support your child when they return to school

  • Q&A session 

Community and School Visits/ Teddy Bear Clinic 

It is perfectly normal for people of all ages to be nervous about medical and dental procedures, especially those involving needles and unknown tools.

In this session, our child life specialist works directly with the child to explore routine wellness visits and fears associated with painful and/or new medical procedures, like needles, vaccinations or blood tests. This one-on-one session will help the child process their past experiences and find healthy coping strategies for future procedures.

Under supervision, the child can play with real and toy versions of common medical materials, which helps them understand and normalize the tools and find a sense of control within the play.

The child life specialist is there to educate and guide them through the process while also clear up misconceptions, helping them work through emotions and teach coping methods to help the child feel confident and well-prepared for their next doctor visit.

We can tailor this interactive workshop for groups of any age, size or setting. It is a great addition to learning at school, daycare, children’s programs, and community events.

Dental Preparation 

Trips to the dentist are among the most common worries for children and can lead to trauma and the neglect of dental care into adulthood.

A child can experience painful pokes, buzzing drills, uncomfortable pressure, unexpected tastes and disturbing noises in a single dental appointment. Each event can trigger dental fear and anxiety in pediatric patients.

Kids get a chance to “play dentist” and using toys, models, games and activities to make them comfortable with the tools and procedures used at their appointment. It’s an excellent way for kids to develop coping strategies to feel more in control, to motivate them to care for their teeth at home and make healthy choices.

Upon request, a Dragonfly Care Farm team member will work to coordinate these supports with your dental office. 

Welcoming Baby: Making the Transition Easier for Siblings

Welcoming a new baby sibling is an exciting time for families. However, the latest addition can be a big adjustment for your toddler or older child, and it will take some time.

As your child adjusts to their new role as a big brother or sister, many parents notice an increase in meltdowns and regressions in sleep and eating patterns and toilet training and.

While this temporary regression is developmentally expected, it can be confusing, tiring and hard to manage for parents. The good news is that there are a bunch of small things you can do now to help your child have a smoother transition.

This workshop is for you if you’re looking for:

  • Simple, doable strategies that prevent new-sibling meltdowns

  • Guide for dealing with jealousy, grabbing and aggression

  • Tools to feel confident and empowered during this family transition

  • Strategies on how to create strong boundaries and foster deeper connections

This workshop has many actionable takeaways you can apply immediately to see results.

Questions before getting started?